Phone a Professional
Your own hospitality guide
We offer advice, workarounds and expertise by phone or web conference. With screen sharing, we help you solve challenges in real time, and you’ll learn the steps while doing them!
A second set of eyes
Hourly rates for advice, problem solving, or even providing one last set of eyes to review your work – whether it’s event plans, diagrams, or managing your business.
Easy appointment scheduling
Choose a time that works best for you, then enter any details or items we should look at. Our online appointment system handles the invites.
Custom Training
Tailored for you
We partner with clients to develop industry best practices through learning outcomes.
Get work done
Most of our training programs directly address client operational challenges. First we identify specific, measurable learning outcomes. Then we incorporate routine tasks as opportunities for consistent reinforcement of staff development. Finally, measure your success with customer and internal satisfaction scores.